Saturday, July 10, 2010

The Unexpected.

As is typical for most folks. This week unfolded nothing like I had anticipated Monday evening!

My friend, Ashley, gave birth to Hosanna Rose on Wednesday morning, and she went to be with the Lord.
Back when Ashley first knew she was pregnant, I made plans to head out after the birth so I could help out and she could get plenty of rest. Things are a little different now than we'd originally thought they would be, but Ashley still needs to rest so I'm leaving tomorrow. I've never felt so bitter sweet about a trip. I'm thrilled to see Ashley and her family again, but this isn't going to be the joyful reunion and meeting of a new life like we had anticipated.


After a terribly dry spell, with record breaking heat, the Lord blessed us with a lovely rain shower this morning. My garden is fried to a crisp, but hopefully it will begin to recover now it's had a good soaking rain.

I have two batches of cucumbers going with lactofermintation! I can hardly wait to see how they turn out. :) Sarah's were delicious and I hope mine are as well!

My cucumber plants are just about dead now though. The hot weather literally shriveled the cucumbers right on the vines. :( And my Jinny Lind melons did not produce at all. But I do have 3 watermelons coming along nicely!!!


Well, I'll catch all of y'all later. I'm not sure if I'll be posting while I'm away, but I'll update when I can.

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